Learning Challenge: Actively Seeking Happiness

I am going to attempt to do the Happiness Jar challenge. One of my struggles in life is focusing on the positive. If one negative thing happens in my day, it tends to tank my day. I forget about all the good things, and if something positive happens after the negative event, I just brush it off.

I think this jar will help me realize that there is more to your day than what goes wrong. I don't really do an honest reflection of my day, and this will help.

My plan is as follows:

  • Every night when I get in bed, before my last scroll through social media, I will think back on my day and make a list of three positive things that happened.
  •  I will then pick the one that made me the happiest and write that in the notes section of my phone.
  • I will continue this for a week and review the results in a followup blog post.
I think this will be a really cool experiment to not only help gradually change my mindset, but it can also help me see the things I value and enjoy on a daily basis. I can start to focus my energy on these things and hopefully start to see more natural happiness.

(Image from Learning by HEART Blog)


  1. Hello AshLynn,
    I love this and I am living for it. Throughout my day I see a lot of negatives through the eyes of a producer but I don't see a lot of the positives. I think having a happiness jar is a great way to store memories that you may have forgotten about over time. I can't wait to see the follow-up post because I am eager to see how it works out for you! I may have to try it for myself.

    Thanks for the Idea!


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