Learning Challenge: Actively Seeking Happiness... Continued

Anddddd a drum roll for the anticipated results of my Happiness Jar challenge!

I hadn't established a routine, so there were some nights I forgot to reflect on my day and had to catch up the following night. I plan on continuing this for the rest of the semester so I set up a better system for myself. I have a reminder on my phone at a certain time every night and I am physically writing down my reflections in a journal. I think I will do a post around the end of the semester to see if this helped me make any progress in my personal journey to choose positivity more readily.

On nights when I did directly reflect on my day, I went to bed feeling less overwhelmed and stressed about "tomorrow". I think when I force myself to look at how my day brought me joy or the positive things that occurred, I force my brain to realize that things like this will happen everyday.

If you didn't read my last post, I wrote down 3 positive things about my day and then picked the one that brought me the most joy. All of these things were related to social interactions, or things that promote personal well-being. For example, on Saturday I was in Petco and struck up a conversation with someone who just rescued a puppy and got to play with the puppy for a while. On Sunday, I took time to be mindful of my upcoming week and prepare my self that it all entailed. On Tuesday, I found joy in actually cooking some good food for myself (I love fajitas!!). Yesterday, I took time out of my schedule to actually be in the moment with my friends and just blow off some steam by playing some games.

Overall, I am pretty impressed by this challenge and truly hope that by continuing it I will be able to train myself to naturally see and welcome he positives and in doing so learn how to acknowledge but brush off the few negatives that come my way.


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